Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pelican Dive

Copyright 2021 by Kenneth Van Camp, all rights reserved.

The pelican soars on mighty wings,

Scanning below for fishy things.

With a tuck and a roll and a mighty splash,

The fish swim away in a high-tailing dash!

I thought such an impact might give you some traction-time;

Instead the head pounding has dulled your reaction-time.

If you want to catch fish before they've all fled, dear -

Perhaps you'll consider the wearing of head gear! 

Not a Romantic Poem

Copyright 2021 by Kenneth Van Camp, all rights reserved.

You tell our friends I'm a romantic -

Much more than I used to be.

You tell them about the flowers I bring,

The love poems I write,

      the shows I take you to see.

You tell them about the candle-lit dinner

With the classical violinist I hired,

In the gazebo by the lake

Where we ate and danced,

      and danced until we were tired.

Silly woman - I'm not a romantic!

That's not the reason for the things I do...

It's only to see the sparkle it brings

To your eyes when I tell you

     I'm so much in love with you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

In Mullet Key Bayou

Copyright 2021 by Kenneth Van Camp, all rights reserved.

A gentle breeze caresses the sails
    and stirs them from their slumber.
A tiny wake follows us
    as we sail the narrow channel.

The anchor drops,
    the sailboat swings,
    the heron calls.
The dragonfly hums,
    the dolphin sighs,
    the sun sets.

All is at peace in Mullet Key Bayou.